Brookdale Community College invested in two UVC robots that inactive microorganisms on hard, nonporous surfaces. The Tru-DÒ devices are a proactive measure to ensure students, faculty and staff who walk through the doors of the college are in a clean environment. Brookdale was the first college in the nation to purchase the Tru-D robot, short for “Thorough Room Ultraviolet Disinfection,” demonstrating Brookdale’s commitment to remaining on the leading edge of technology.
After the traditional cleaning protocol is met, the Tru-D device is rolled in to complete the disinfection process. The robot is operated via a controller outside the room and features an application that tracks disinfection data while simultaneously uploading the information to the college’s web portal. The robot works by generating UVC light energy that modifies the DNA or RNA structure of a cell.
“We are committed to creating and maintaining a clean learning and working environment, and we have invested in the most progressive technology on the market in order to do so,” said Christopher Otis, manager in the Facilities Administration department.
For more information about Brookdale Community College, visit https://www.brookdalecc.edu/about/about-the-college/. To learn more about the Tru-D devices, visit tru-d.com.